วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Disadvantages of a Laser Printer

There are very few disadvantages to owning a laser printer in normal but one of them is undoubtedly the cost. The money that you could spend on a very high-end inkjet printer will only buy you a very low-end color laser printer with minuscule capacities. Color laser printers with multi-functions such as a copier and a fax all in one are even more expensive. However a middle of the line black and white laser printer is comparable to the price of a top of the line color inkjet printer.

Another disadvantage is the cost of the cartridges inside a laser printer. Sometimes the cartridges cost approximately as much as the printer did which is why many habitancy throw the whole printer out and buy a new one after the cartridge expires in year or two.

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The cartridges for laser printers are some times more expensive then the cost of the toner cartridges for inkjet printers. However they do last longer especially if you remember to set the printer in black and white printing mode when printing black and white and only using the color mode when it is easily needed. an additional one way to make an expensive color laser toner cartridge last longer is to keep the printer in low capability mode unless you are printing out the final document.

If you live in a hot or humid atmosphere a laser printer may not be the ideal explication for you. This is because running these machines can make a room very hot. The fuser inside them, which is the gismo that melts the plastic granules that constitute the powder that makes up the toner onto the paper, heats up to as high as 200 degrees Celsius.

Another limitation of a laser printer is that they only easily print on definite kinds of paper. If you want to print out photographs then a laser printer is not for you as they are not yet capable of printing high-resolution images. Also you cannot put photographic paper straight through a laser printer. For the best capability images you need to buy a bubble jet ink printer that can exchange an image onto photographic paper. The color capability that you get with a bubble jet ink printer is just as good if not better than the color capability that you can gain with a laser printer. A high-end color printer that produces capability color images can cost as much as ,500 to ,000 whereas you can get a good capability ink jet printer for about 0.

Another disadvantage of laser printers is that many of them are minuscule by the number of memory that they are sold with. This can sometimes limit the number of fonts that you can use. To enlarge the memory of your color laser printer you usually have to buy a small Ram board. This is the only trustworthy way to setup memory so that the color laser printer can apply a number of fonts.

The more expensive a laser printer is the faster it is. The affordable models only print out about four pages a minute. Top end models print out about twelve pages a minuscule but they are not easily affordable for the individual.

Laser printers, especially the color laser printers, can also be heavy and take up a lot of desk space or room in the office. At the time of writing there was also no such thing as a transported laser printer. The fancy that a transported laser printer has yet to be invented is because a battery does not yet exist that is small enough to supply laser printer functions with enough power so that it can be taken on the road.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A Brief Introduction To Cloud Computing


Cloud computing can be defined as a delivery of service where you can provide software, shared resources and information to other directly or indirectly associated devices rather than in from of stock or device.

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The architecture of cloud computing can be described as three basic entities namely: Application, Platform and Infrastructure with whole of constraints residing in it, which can be accessed by each and every computing device by making use of internet. Cloud computing provides an environment where user can achieve computing work without any prior knowledge of bodily location and configuration of principles for accessing the deliverable services by servers.

Cloud Computing is a delivery model of It services which is based on Internet protocols that helps user to get access over the shared resources using pre-installed browsers on their computers or movable devices. It also includes business areas in which the data gets stored on servers and users are authenticated for remote access, depending on the business type.

Cloud computing shares its characteristics with following computing environments:

- Mainframe Computer

- Gird computing

- Autonomic computing

- Peer-to peer

- Client-server Model

- Utility Computing

Layers of Cloud Computing:

Client -> Application -> Platform -> Infrastructure -> Server

Client: a client can be thought about as an end-user; using a computer hardware or software to access the computing environment cloud for application delivery.

Application: It makes "Software as a service (SaaS)" to be delivered to the customer's for utilizing it directly from the internet eradicating the prior installation for running an application.

Platform: It provides an online platform or a explication stack also known as "Platform as a service (PaaS)" which facilitates the deployment of service without cost and complexity consequently enhancing feasibility in workflow.

Infrastructure: Also known as "Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)" provides a virtual infrastructure to get full access over application on internet utilizing data space and network access without purchasing all this assets and outsourcing it directly.

Server: Servers are great speed software or hardware for delivering efficient services. It has multi-core processors for super fast delivery services and also has specifically designed operating system.

Practical application areas of cloud computing:

The first and best application of cloud computing is Backup and Recovery. There is no use of investing more and more bucks on duplicating backups as cloud computing is capable for more ease of use.

The second use is in SaaS where it delivers an application eradicating the application installation procedure, which is widely used for payroll or buyer association management services.

Third thing is that each and every It business is not capable of having their own servers or other similar resources. Cloud Computing makes it possible to share resources online.

Possible issues with Cloud Computing:

Since it is matter of sharing resources and storing data on the host system, there exist privacy issues. The host business needs to be true and a valid protocol should be defined between host and Client business to preclude protection issues which can avoid future conflicts.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Pros and Cons of Rfid Technology

I. Rfid Advantages

Radio Frequency Identification provides a primary aid that is capable of revolutionizing the way companies track products. There are many benefactors of this technology: the military, retailers, suppliers, consulting firms, producers of the technology, and consumers. Rfid provides companies with a better alternative to bar-coding because no line-of-sight is needed to read a pallet, a carton, or a goods with a Rfid tag. Rfid tags also comprise information on the goods that is authentically readable and accessible for the reader. Rfid will also begin to automate company's provide chain, reducing labor costs, human error and time spent checking in products.

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In 2005, manufacturers and suppliers requesting new bids from the troops must be Rfid compliant on four distinct levels: packaged operational rations, clothing, tools, and weapon system fix parts and components. The troops requires that all cartons and pallets are shipped with a troops Shipping Label which displays shipping data. The branch of Defense has created the Rfid troops compliance explication as a way to help suppliers and manufacturers meet the military's new standards for Rfid. The schedule is run by Avery Dennison retail information Services, and they were commissioned by the Rfid troops compliance Solution. Avery Dennison retail information Services sells the Rfid tags to companies which must be affixed close to the troops Shipping Labels to comply with branch of Defense regulations.

The U.S. troops is salvage an immense number of money by using active and passive Rfid systems. By using Rfid for communication and communication systems in Iraq and Afghanistan, the troops is able to diagnose and fix problems much faster than before. The implementation of Rfid in just this area will save the troops close to half a million dollars this year. The U.S. Government has contracted Ibm to do explore on the current Rfid being used currently in the troops and the possible time to come applications for Rfid in the military. The troops has been thriving in creating better visibility throughout their provide chain addition their productivity and stability.

Retailers and other companies that have a demanding provide chain can gain an benefit on the field by using Rfid in the provide chain. By demanding that all levels of their provide chain be Rfid capable is a immense investment. The productivity growth that follows the preliminary investment and implementation for companies will pay for their investment. Wal-Mart was the first retailer to use Rfid in their distribution centers and warehouses, prompting many companies to corollary in their footsteps once Wal-Mart's success was realized.

Rfid is very thriving with retail companies because it improves productivity, saves on human labor costs, and gives companies real-time visibility with all their products. Rfid tags use an Electronic goods Code (Epc) which is an upgrade and a change for the Universal goods Code (Upc) system. "Epc has a 96-bit code that has digits to identify the manufacturer, goods class and the private item. Manufacturers collect registration numbers & assign them to products. Each number is unique to a given item."

The cost of a tag is in any place in the middle of twenty-five to fifty cents. In the next five to ten years it could be reduced to five cents per tag. At some point in the near time to come tags could fall to one cent tempting companies to use Rfid tags on every goods in a store. Wal-Mart says that since their stores now have Rfid, it makes it easier to keep store shelves stocked allowing employees to interact with customers.

Target was able to save on their investment for implementing Rfid, following in Wal-Mart's footsteps as Wal-Mart had already paved the way and suffered the pitfalls of implementing a new technology. In addition to the lower implementation costs, many of Target's suppliers had already begun preparation for the switch over to Rfid assuming Target would corollary Wal-Mart. Target as a large retailer knows how foremost it is to be able to provide real-time data on pallets, cartons and shipments up and down-stream through their provide chain.

A break-through in Rfid technology was made by Intermec, Inc. In May of 2006, with new rugged and reusable Rfid tags. These tags can be written thousands of times; it can cope risky chemical exposure, and withstands temperatures from -50 degrees Fahrenheit to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In October of 2006, Intermec released a new version of the rugged, reusable Rfid tag, including wide-band antenna that can be used on any surface in any part of the world.

Rfid makes the firm world seem like a smaller place, even companies like Wal-Mart who are very big and have a large integrated provide chain. Rfid enables companies to be more effective with their time and space. companies that join some newer provide chain technologies with Rfid could see great results. Combining auto-picking with Rfid would sacrifice man-power needed, time needed to move pallets and cartons nearby a warehouse, and time needed to send pallets to their proper destination. The goal of a company's provide chain should be to sacrifice time needed to be productive, by automating as much of the provide chain as possible. It reduces human error, and machines are capable of running twenty-four hours a day and cost less than human labor. The
application of Rfid for a large firm like Wal-Mart or Target, as well as smaller retail stores can ensure a better shopping feel with more in-stock items and a more knowledgeable store.

The Rfid market is booming and many technological companies have gotten in the game producing Rfid parts and systems. In many cases being a producer of Rfid components and systems also allows you to become a consulting firm for the technology. Hewlett Packard (Hp) is one of the largest companies developing Rfid systems. Hp's goal is to make it as easy and affordable as possible for a firm adopting Rfid technology. Hp has feel in the Rfid field, as they were one of the early adopters of the technology and have been very thriving integrating it into their business. Hp began with two larger clients, Hasbro (produces children's toys) and Conros (a large Wal-Mart supplier). Hewlett Packard has created two Rfid Centers for Excellence, one in California and one in Taiwan, to demonstrate new possible uses for the technology, as well as how it can be implemented into a business. More centers are slated to be opened throughout the world, including Great Britain, Singapore, and Tokyo Rfid Centers for Excellence.

The Rfid market sits at approximately one billion dollars in 2006 and has varying estimates as to the growth possible of the market. Estimates of Rfid market size in 2008 vary in any place from .3 billion by Idc, to .2 Billion by the Yankee Group. As shown in figure 1 in the appendix, most of the industry is made up of sales of hardware, tags, readers and other corporal products of Rfid. approximately 20-25% of the market is made up of consulting work for the technology and the last 5% is made up of software for Rfid. The two biggest areas firms are concentrating on are the production and consulting sides of Rfid.

The biggest challenges for producers and consultants alike are the reliability and durability of Rfid systems and products. It is hard to simulate the wear and tear a goods will feel over time. Hp has made testing Rfid products one of their benchmarks, providing intense field-testing of Rfid to ensure its durability and quality. A competitor of Hp is Ibm, who according to Amr explore is the market leader in Rfid. Ibm has over eleven years feel working with Rfid, and like Hp, they were an early adopter of Rfid technology. The benefit that Ibm has over Hp is there world-renowned consulting services, coupled with their massive networking capabilities. Ibm's services promise more results than Hp's Rfid systems in general because of Ibm's consulting expertise. Ibm works with companies to uncover the best avenues to implement Rfid, attempting to maximize Return on investment (Roi) by reducing one person per shift from manually tracking products allowing them to focus on value-added manufacturing activities. Ibm also focuses on other ways to improve Roi including, offering a one-time savings of 0,000 in operating costs, continuous fabrication line operations, better customer aid providing real-time information on products, and less errors and delays cause by human error.

Rfid began to take off once companies like Wal-Mart and Target, and the U.S. troops demanded that their top 100 suppliers must adopt Rfid technology. Many suppliers were not ready for a move like this, a move that would fully retrofit their current operations at a high cost to the supplier. There were some suppliers that welcomed the convert in technology and already began implementing Rfid in hope of Wal-Mart and the U.S. Military's ask that their suppliers adopt the new technology. Wal-Mart demanded that their top one hundred suppliers would need to be Rfid ready by January 2005, and to Wal-Mart's surprise, twenty three extra suppliers have volunteered to make the convert to Rfid. There is a new generation of tags that hit the market in 2005, called the Gen 2 Standard, which make Rfid more involving to suppliers who have no Rfid systems in place. The Gen 2 Rfid improves on the first generation of Rfid by addition read times, addition read ranges, and read tags more accurately.

Suppliers and manufacturers will notice the benefits of implementing Rfid into their organizations streamlining parts of their operations. Return on investment is the most foremost factor for a firm implementing Rfid. Suppliers will see their Roi growth as human labor hours are decreased, human errors are decreased and interoperability is increased. Rfid increases the visibility of the suppliers so they can do their job in real time, assuring that the correct box is sent to the correct location. It also saves money in the long-term for manufacturers and suppliers because Rfid will save time spent inventorying and tracking products. An benefit for suppliers and manufacturers using Rfid is customization of products in a shorter period of time. Smaller suppliers and manufacturers will have a harder time implementing Rfid, as costs range from 0,000 to million to implement the technology, but as costs go down more companies will adopt Rfid.

Rfid does have an additional one possible benefit for suppliers that could give them invaluable information. For Wal-Mart suppliers, readers are set up at the back door so suppliers know when their shipments have arrived addition visibility for both entities. A second reader is settled at the entry to the sales floor so the supplier can see what is on-hand on the sales floor and in the stock room. This will allow the supplier to see which products sell better than others so that they can be replaced, and it also allows the supplier to build more correct sales forecasts. A secondary benefit of Rfid is that the promotions that merchandisers spend a lot of money to set up are often left in the stock room for too long or are improperly placed. Now merchandisers and vendors can make sure their promotions are being handled correctly. Suppliers and manufacturers have the possible to save money on production costs, while making money on customized products.

Consumers should be the ultimate winner with Rfid being implemented throughout a company's provide chain. In the long-run, stores will save money throughout their provide chain, thus bringing down costs to consumers. Consumers should also expect to find more helpful and more informative customers aid with companies that have Rfid. These companies now have real-time data to share with the customer. A consumer complaint about retail stores has all the time been that there are too many out-of-stock items; however, with Rfid in place many of these stores should see a primary decrease in out-of-stock items. Having Rfid tags on safe bet products can also make people's lives much easier, such as a microwave that is a reader and recognizes the tag of the food you put in and will automatically cook it according to the directions on the tag. It also helps environmentally because companies will use resources more efficiently, benefiting everyone. Once Rfid tags are able to be used on food products it will make a recall on a safe bet item much easier and it could potentially save lives.

Consumers use Rfid daily and many do not realize the benefits they are receiving from the technology. Contactless payment is a developing technology, the card being used contains a tag and the payment area contains a reader. Mobil and Exxon use a "Speedpass" as their contactless form of payment allowing customers to wave the card in front of a reader to pay for gas or anything in the suitable store. Visa and Mastercard are the two biggest developers of this technology, claiming that it will benefit every person from consumers to businesses. It allows habitancy to have preset money on a card (either debit or credit) which decreases waiting time at check-out stands and increases loyalty to companies that offer this feature. an additional one use of smart cards is keyless entries, which is becoming a popular trend in America, using just a card and swipe it over the sensor to allow entry. Rfid is a beneficial technology for consumers salvage time and offering conveniences primary bar codes, reputation cards and keys cannot offer.

Rfid contains many advantages over primary ways of coding pallets, boxes and products. It allows for non-line of sight reading of the tag which stores all the goods information. Rfid reduces human labor costs and human errors through the provide chain salvage companies money, as well as reducing theft in the store and warehouses. Rfid can save lives as well if there is a recall and the recalled food item or goods is tagged, then it would be easier to collect all the units.

Ii. Disadvantages

Radio Frequency Identification has been nearby for over fifty years, but it has been the rapid amelioration and deployment of the technology over the last five years that has raised people's awareness and understanding of the technology. While there are many possible benefits for Rfid, there are many pitfalls as well. Every level that could benefit from Rfid can also reap negative rewards from the technology.

The U.S. troops was one of the early adopters of the technology using it for over ten years in a miniature area of their operations. In 2003 they upgraded their usage of the technology by demanding that all suppliers must affix a Rfid tag to every pallet, carton and big-ticket item being shipped to the military. The biggest question the troops faces is an issue of security. With faultless goods information on a tag it is easy for an enemy of the United States to pull information off a tag. This could corollary in loss of life of U.S. Soldiers or even U.S. Civilians if the wrong goods ended up in the wrong hands. The tags could warn enemies of possible weaknesses and strengths of our troops and give them a view on how to attack us at our weakest points.

Large companies like Wal-Mart and Target who use Rfid face many possible problems with the technology. Rfid has no proven infrastructure making it difficult for suppliers to keep up with these company's demands to become Rfid-ready. If the suppliers cannot effectively implement Rfid into their business, then retailers cannot fully view their provide chain. If retailers cannot get all their information in real time over their entire provide chain, then the issues they are trying to solve will remain problems. Out-of-stock items, first-in-first-out products and last-in-last out products will still cause problems for these large retailers.

Epcglobal is a start to an international standards body for Rfid. It has yet to be approved by the International club for Standardization (Iso) and there is still not a global frequency standard. While 900 Mhz appears to be the best frequency due to its long read-range capability, 13.56 Mhz is still used delaying the standardization of global frequency for Rfid. High costs of Rfid implementation is the intuit many mid-size and smaller retailers have not adopted the technology. The short-term outlook for companies who use Rfid isn't impressive, although long-term benefits will be realized.

Privacy issues are the number one pitfall for Rfid and retailers. As long as the tags are only affixed to pallets and cartons then the retailers would not have any exact information on the consumer. However, when Rfid tag prices fall, companies like Wal-Mart and Target plan on using Rfid tags on private products which they can trace consumer's buying habits and other information consumer's wish to keep private. It was privacy issues that force Benetton to cease their pilot Rfid system. They wanted to embed a tag in articles of clothing to stop theft, determine consumer buying habits and keep their inventory at an approved level. Privacy advocate groups such as the Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion (Caspian) fight companies using Rfid to track consumer behavior. A study showed that up to 78% of America was against Rfid based solely on privacy issues. It will be difficult for companies in the time to come to tag private items without a social outcry without some form of safety for the public's privacy rights.

Consumers have the largest disadvantage of any other entities complicated with Rfid technology. There are five privacy issues that consumers must try to protect themselves from: private placement of tags, unique identifiers for objects worldwide, massive data aggregation, private readers, and private tracking and profiling. private placement of tags by companies is an easy way to get information from consumers. The consumer will feel safe buying a goods with no knowledge of an Rfid tag embedded in their clothing. These tags theoretically could track a person nearby the world if there were readers in exact locations throughout the world. Personal information may also be embedded in these tags giving information as detailed as your curative history. Prada and Swatch use embedded tags in their clothing, and Benetton did as well, but a boycott of Benetton was thriving and they removed their tags. There is no law against companies embedding tags, and only California and Utah have made valid requests to convert the situation.

Companies who use Rfid can compile massive amounts of data on consumers, including goods likes or dislikes, buying power or even designate history. Rfid makes it easy to amass this data and to designate correlations. If a corporation owns many stores they can join data in the middle of companies and generate new data on buying habits.

Hidden readers violate people's privacy much the same way private tags do. Gillette and Accenture are introducing "silent commerce" which embeds tags on people's products and readers in strategic locations without the consumer's knowledge. These companies have experimented with distinct reader locations ranging from private rug locations to shelve locations and even private in floor tiles. Readers could even be installed in doorways on street lights, in any place that habitancy have to pass through, and promptly all information embedded in the tag is broadcast to the reader. If this were to happen privacy would be impossible because you would never know if the products you have comprise tags, and you never know when you are within presence to a reader.

The disadvantages of Rfid hinge in general on privacy concerns, technological imperfections, cost of the technology and no proven way to set up an Rfid system for a company. The government and corporations are the two groups that offer the most concern for privacy issues. private tags and readers threaten to take away human mystery, offering a world where habitancy see, feel and hear only what the government and large corporation want habitancy to.

Iii. time to come of Rfid

The time to come of Rfid is uncertain, however, the technology is here to stay. companies have many obstacles to overcome to make the technology a feasible selection to be implemented. Privacy issues and will persist, although cost for Rfid systems will decrease. In order for Rfid to be successful, companies must work with privacy advocate groups to build a fair way to implement Rfid without alienating their customers.

Technology will continue to build for Rfid and many new applications will be realized. Automation will be a side-effect of Rfid development, in the provide chain and in daily activities. Contactless payment methods are already available, as well as automatic keycards to open doors. Rfid tags installed in cars with readers on the roads and freeways will alert the authority if you are breaking the law. Supermarkets will eventually be able to realize their shopping cart checkout system once prices fall to a more affordable price. Fresh foods, metals and liquids will all be Rfid compatible in the near future. If privacy issues are not watched closely, habitancy will become tagged and there will all the time be person watching and analyzing every person's decisions.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What? You Haven't Got a capability Statement?

What's a ability Statement?

As the name suggests, it tells inherent clients what you, or your organisation and staff are capable of. It highlights what your hereafter ability is and reflects on your past successes.

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These are usually produced as brochures or booklets and are now increasingly appearing in online formats eg, Html, Pdf and self-executable ebooks. (The Entrepreneur Magazine section of "The Weekend Australian" of 25 Feb 2005 ran an article advising that legal and other professional firms are now using electronic media for their ability information). contain your logo, corporate colours and graphics so that your store develops corporate identity and branding recognition.

Some organisations and individuals prefer to call them Corporate Brochures, Organisational Profiles, Prospectus' etc. This seems to be the favorite terminology and is, in my opinion, more precise and descriptive.

The best ability Statements produced as printed documents are graphics intense, professionally laid out and attractively produced on hiqh ability papers. The simplest form can be produced in black and white or colour on a cheap laser or inkjet printer.

Why have a ability Statement?

When prospective clients enquire about your services or products, you send them a ability Statement. If they visit your Internet site and don't want to spend time reading about you and your organisation, they can download your file and read it when more convenient.

Clients may pass it to others when recommending your services. You can send one with your proposals, publicity materials, and on other occasions when the chance presents.

Clients may have dealt with you for years, but only buy the same service. They may have no idea you also provide other services they could use. It spells out what you can do in addition to what you do for them now.

If you don't tell citizen what you do, how can you expect them to call you when they want something done?

What's in a ability Statement?

It's not a dumb question! There are two trains of thought. One suggests that it should be chock full of verbage about how you can help your clients or prospective clients. The other view is that you simply tell them what you can do and let them settle either they want your services.

The latter selection would advise you contain the following topics and any others you feel are relevant, not necessarily in the order shown:

History: When did your firm open operations and what has it done since commencement? (Keep it very, very short and succinct)

What You Do: What can you do for clients or what do you sell? Do you need any special accreditations, certificates or licences to do what you do? If so, mention them.

Our Staff: Who is your staff and what special qualifications, experience, awards etc has each staff member got that will help you provide services that are best than your competitors?

Your tool or Resources: If you are renting training venues, hiring out equipment, or rely on resources to earn a living, place some photos in your brochures. As some smart fellow said, 'A photo tells a thousand words'.

Similarly if you have a special way of doing something, try to find evidence that supports it as being the best way, most economical, safest or whatever. For example, if you clean carpets for a living you'll need to use cleaning materials that don't cause fade, are not noxious, don't harm animals or plants, are environmentally amiable and so on. You get the drift.

Where You Find Us: Where is your office, venue, factory, or whatever? How does your client find you? Do you need to contain a map?

Contacting Us: Where can you be contacted by phone, fax, movable telephone, letter, or email? Do you have an Internet site? Where?

Client Testimonials: You can place a list of your clients here under the heading 'Clients' or you can write to your clients and ask them to provide testimony to the quality, cost effectiveness, or whatever of your service. Any of your longer term clients may be willing to accept telephone calls from citizen who are inspecting buying your goods or services. If so, contain their caress details so that inherent clients can talk with them.

While a few, considered chosen testimonials are good, too many can bog down an otherwise excellent ability Statement. Don't make it look like a testimonial contest! Nobody will read more than five or six.

Finally ...

Once you have your ability Statement, either online, in hardcopy or both, make sure you have adequate copies to circulate and a plan to upgrade it periodically so it remains current. After all, the last thing you want is for a prospective client to telephone you about a service you no longer provide.

Copyright Robin Henry 2005 - 2008

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วันพุธที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mergers and Acquisition - A Case Study and diagnosis of Hp-Compaq Merger

Brief Description

The following is a brief description of the two companies:

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It all began in the year 1938 when two electrical engineering graduates from Stanford University called William Hewlett and David Packard started their company in a carport in Palo Alto. In a year's time, the partnership called Hewlett-Packard was made and by the year 1947, Hp was incorporated. The company has been prospering ever since as its profits grew from five and half million dollars in 1951 to about 3 billion dollars in 1981. The pace of growth knew no bounds as Hp's net revenue went up to 42 billion dollars in 1997. Beginning with manufacturing audio oscillators, the company made its first computer in the year 1966 and it was by 1972 that it introduced the idea of personal computing by a calculator first which was supplementary advanced into a personal computer in the year 1980. The company is also known for the laser-printer which it introduced in the year 1985.


The company is better known as Compaq Computer Corporation. This was company that started itself as a personal computer company in the year 1982. It had the charm of being called the largest manufacturers of personal computing devices worldwide. The company was formed by two senior managers at Texas Instruments. The name of the company had come from-"Compatibility and Quality". The company introduced its first computer in the year 1983 after at a price of 2995 dollars. In spite of being portable, the problem with the computer was that it seemed to be a suitcase. Nevertheless, there were huge industrial benefits from the computer as it sold more than 53,000 units in the first year with a revenue generation of 111 million dollars.

Reasons for the Merger

A very easy examine that arises here is that, if Hp was progressing at such a gigantic pace, what was the surmise that the company had to merge with Compaq? Carly Fiorina, who became the Ceo of Hp in the year 1999, had a key role to play in the merger that took place in 2001. She was the first woman to have taken over as Ceo of such a big company and the first outsider too. She worked very efficiently as she travelled more than 250,000 miles in the first year as a Ceo. Her basic aim was to update the culture of carrying out of Hp. She laid great emphasis on the profitable sides of the business. This shows that she was very extravagant in her coming as a Ceo. In spite of the growth in the shop value of Hp's share from 54.43 to 74.48 dollars, the company was still inefficient. This was because it could not meet the targets due to a failure of both company and industry. Hp was forced to cut down on jobs and also be eluded from the privilege of having Price Water House Cooper's to take care of its audit. So, even the job of Fiorina was under threat. This meant that revision in the internal strategies of the company was not going to be sufficient for the company's success. Ultimately, the company had to of course plan out something different. So, it was decided that the company would be acquiring Compaq in a stock transaction whose net worth was 25 billion dollars. Initially, this merger was not planned. It started with a telephonic conversation between Ceo Hp, Fiorina and Chairman and Ceo Compaq, Capellas. The idea behind the conversation was to discuss on a licensing bargain but it continued as a seminar on competing strategy and finally a merger. It took two months for supplementary studies and by September, 2001, the boards of the two associates stylish of the merger. In spite of the decision arrival from the Ceo of Hp, the merger was strongly opposed in the company. The two Ceos believed that the only way to fight the growing competition in terms of prices was to have a merger. But the investors and the other stakeholders idea that the company would never be able to have the loyalty of the Compaq customers, if products are sold with an Hp logo on it. Other than this, there were questions on the synchronization of the organization's members with each other. This was because of the change in the club culture as well. Even though these were supposed to serious problems with respect to the merger, the Ceo of Hp, Fiorina justified the same with the fact that the merger would take off one serious competitor in the over-supplied Pc shop of those days. She said that the shop share of the company is bound to growth with the merger and also the working unit would double. (Hoopes, 2001)

Advantages of the Merger

Even though it seemed to be advantageous to very few people in the beginning, it was the strong determination of Fiorina that she was able to stand by her decision. Wall road and all her investors had gone against the company lampooning her ideas with the saying that she has made 1+1=1.5 by her extravagant ways of expansion. Fiorina had put it this way that after the company's merger, not only would it have a larger share in the shop but also the units of output would double. This would mean that the company would grow tremendously in volume. Her dream of competing with the giants in the field, Ibm would also come true. She was of the view that much of the redundancy in the two associates would decrease as the internal costs on promotion, marketing and shipping would come down with the merger. This would furnish the slightest harm to the variety of revenue. She used the ideas of competing positioning to interpret her plans of the merger. She said that the merger is based on the ideologies of consolidation and not on diversification. She could also defend allegations against the change in the Hp was. She was of the view that the Hp has all the time encouraged changes as it is about innovating and taking bold steps. She said that the company requires being consistent with creativity, revision and modification. This merger had the ability of providing exactly the same. (Mergers and Acquisitions, 2010)

Advantages to the Shareholders

The following are the ways in which the company can be advantageous to its shareholders:

Unique Opportunity: The position of the company is bound to better with the merger. The surmise for the same was that now the value creation would be fresh, leadership qualities would improve, capabilities would heighten and so would the sales and also the company's strategic differentiation would be better than the existing competitors. Other than this, one can also way the capabilities of Compaq directly hence reducing the cost buildings in becoming the largest in the industry. Finally, one could also see an opportunity in reinvesting.

Stronger Company: The profitability is bound to growth in the enterprise, way and services sectors in high degrees. The company can also see a better opportunity in its research and development. The financial conditions of the company with respect to its Ebit and net cash are also on the incremental side.

Compelling Economics: The expected accumulation in Iip gains would be 13% in the first financial year. The company could also escort a better segmentation of the shop to forecast its revenues generation. This would go to as much as 2 and a half billion dollars of every year synergy.

Ability to Execute: As there would be integration in the planning procedures of the company, the chances of value creation would also be huge. Along with that the palpate of foremost a diversified employee buildings would also be there. (Hp to buy Compaq, 2001)
Opposition to the Merger

In fact, it was only Ceo Fiorina who was in favor of going with the merger. This is a practical application of department problem that arises because of change in financial strategies of the company owners and the management. Fiorina was confident to lose her job if the merger didn't take effect. The surmise was that Hp was not able to meet the examine targets under her leadership. But the owners were against the merger due to the following beliefs of the owners:

The new portfolio would be less preferable: The position of the company as a larger supplier of Pcs would of course growth the amount of risk and involve a lot of investment as well. Other foremost surmise in this context is that Hp's prime interest in Imaging and Printing would not exist anymore as a succeed diluting the interest of the stockholders. In fact the company owners also feel that there would be a lower margin and Roi (return on investment).

Strategic Problems would remain Unsolved: The shop position in high-end servers and services would still remain in spite of the merger. The price of the Pcs would not come down to be affordable by all. The principal change in material for imaging and printing also would not exist. This merger would have no succeed on the low end servers as Dell would be there in the lead and high-end servers whether where Ibm and Sun would have the lead. The company would also be eluded from the advantages of outsourcing because of the surplus labor it would have. So, the ability is not guaranteed to improve. Finally, the merger would not equal Ibm under any health as idea by Fiorina.

Huge Integrated Risks: There have been no examples of success with such huge mergers. Ordinarily when the shop doesn't withhold such mergers, don't do well as is the case here. When Hp could not administrate its club properly, integration would only add on to the difficulties. It would be even more difficult under the conditions because of the existing competitions between Hp and Compaq. Being prone to such risky conditions, the company would also have to vary its costs causing greater problem for the owner. The biggest factor of all is that to combine the culture existing in the two associates would be a very difficult job.

Financial Impact: This is mostly because the shop reactions are negative. On the other hand, the position of Compaq was totally separate from Hp. As the company would have a greater contribution to the revenue and Hp being diluted at the same time, the problems are bound to develop. This would mean that drawing money from the equity shop would also be difficult for Hp. In fact this might not seem to be a very profitable merger for Compaq as well in the future.

The basic problem that the owners of the company had with this merger was that it would hamper the core values of Hp. They felt that it is better to withhold wealth rather than to risk it with extravagant risk taking. This high risk profile of Fiorina was a small unacceptable for the owners of the company in light of its prospects.

So, as far as this merger between Hp and Compaq is concerned, on side there was this strong determination of the Ceo, Fiorina and on the other side was the strong opposition from the company owners. This opposition continued from the shop along with all the investors of the company. So, this practical department problem was very preeminent inspecting the fact that it contained two of the most grand hardware associates in the world. There were a amount of options like change Management, Economic wise Management, and Organizational management which could be considered to analyze the issue. But this case study can be solved best by a strategy wise analysis. (Hp-Compaq merger faces stiff opposition from shareholders stock prices fall again, 2001)

Strategic diagnosis of the Case

Positive Aspects

A Ceo will all the time consider such a merger to be an opportunity to take a competing benefit over its rivals like Ibm as in this case and also be of some interest to the shareholders as well. The following are the strategies that are linked to this merger between Hp and Compaq:

* Having an eye over shareholders' value: If one sees this merger from the eyes of Fiorina, it would be confident that the shareholders have a lot to gain from it. The surmise for the same is the increment in the control of the market. So, even of the conditions were not convenient from the financial perspective, this truth would of course make a lot of profits for the company in the future.

* development of Markets: Two organizations get complicated in mergers as they want to improve their shop both on the domestic and the international level. Integration with a domestic company doesn't need much exertion but when a company merges internationally as in this case, a piquant task is on head. A suitable situation scanning is principal before putting your feet in International arena. Here, the competitor for Hp was Compaq to a large degree, so this merger of course required a lot of thinking. Organizations merge with the international associates in order to set up their brands first and let people know about what they are capable of and also what they eye in the future. This is the surmise that after this merger the products of Compaq would also have the logo of Hp. Once the shop is well-known, then Hp would not have to suffer the branding created by Compaq. They would be able to draw all the customers of Compaq as well.

* Propagated Efficiencies: Any company by acquiring Other or by merging makes an exertion to add to its efficiencies by increasing the operations and also having control over it to the maximum extent. We can see that Hp would now have an increased set of employees. The only factor is that they would have to be controlled properly as they are of separate organizational cultures. (Benefits of Mergers:, 2010)

* Allowances to use more resources: An improvised club of monetary resources, intellectual capital and raw materials offers a competing benefit to the companies. When such associates merge, many of the intellects come together and work towards a common mission to excel with financial profits to the company. Here, one can't deny the fact that even the top brains of Compaq would be taking part in forming the strategies of the company in the future.

* management of risks: If we particularly take an example of this case, Hp and Compaq entering into this merger can decrease the risk level they would have diversified company opportunities. The options for production selection of the provide chain also increase. Now even though Hp is a pioneer in inkjet orienting, it would not have to use the goods based factory layout which is more expensive. It can administrate the risk of taking process based factory layout and make things cheaper. Manufacturing and Processing can now be done in varied nations according to the cost viability as the major issue.

* Listing potential: Even though Wall road and all the investors of the company are against the merger, when Ipos are offered, a development will assuredly be there because of the successful revenue and turnover value which Hp would be production with this merger.

* principal political regulations: When organizations take a leap into other nations, they need to consider the separate regulations in that country which administer the policies of the place. As Hp is already a pioneer in all the countries that Compaq used to do its business, this would not be of much strangeness for the company. The company would only need to make confident minor regulations with the political parties of some countries where Compaq was successful more than Hp.

* better Opportunities: When associates merge with Other company, later they can put up for sale as per as the needs of the company. This could also be done partially. If Hp feels that it would not need much of storehouse space it can sell the same at increased profits. It depends on whether the company would now be regarded a s a make to stock or a make to order company.

* Extra products, services, and facilities: Services get copyrights which enhances the level of trade. supplementary storehouse services and distribution channels offer company values. Here Hp can use all such values integrated with Compaq so as to growth its prospects. (Berry, 2010)

Negative Aspects

There are a amount of mergers and acquisitions that fail before they of course start to function. In the principal phase of implementation itself, the associates come to know that it would not be beneficial if they continue as a merger. This can occur in this merger between Hp and Compaq due to the following reasons.

Conversations are not implemented: Because of unlike cultures, ambitions and risk profiles; many of the deals are cancelled. As per as the reactions of the owners of Hp, this seems to be extremely likely. So, motivation surrounded by the employees is an extremely foremost consideration in this case. This requires an extra exertion by the Ceo, Fiorina. This could also help her voice her position in the company.

Legal Contemplations: Anti-competitive deals are often small by the rules presiding over the competition rules in a country. This leads to out of order functioning of one company and they try to detach from each other. A lot of unnecessary marketing failures get attached to these conditions. If this happens in this case, then all that money which went in publicizing the investment would go to be a waste. Moreover, even more would be required to re-promote as a singular entity. Even the containers where the entire catalogue from Compaq had the logo of Hp would have to be re-done, thus hampering the finance even further. (Broc Romanek, 2002)

Compatibility problems: Every company runs on separate platforms and ideas. Compatibility problems often occur because of synchronization issues. In It associates such as Hp and Compaq, many problems can take place because both the associates have worked on separate strategies in the past. Now, it might not seem principal for the Hp management to make changes as per as those from Compaq. Thus such problems have come to be of many concern these days.

Fiscal catastrophes: Both the associates after signing an bargain hope to have some return on the money they have put in to make this merger happen and also desire profitability and turnovers. If due to any reason, they are not able to attain that position, then they make a abhorrence sense towards each other and also start charging each other for the failure.

Human reserved supply Differences: Problems as a succeed of cultural dissimilarities, hospitality and hostility issues, and also other behavior linked issues can take apart the origin of the merger.

Lack of Determination: When organizations involve, they have plans in their minds, they have a foresight set; but because of a variety of problems as mentioned above, development of the combined company to accomplish its mission is delayed. Merged associates set the goal and when the goal is not done due to some faults of any of the two; then both of them make a confident degree of hatred for each other. Also clashes can occur because of bias reactions. (William, 2008)

Risk management failure: associates that are complicated in mergers and acquisitions, come to be over confident that they are going to make a behalf out of this decision. This can be seen as with Fiorina. In fact she can fight the whole world for that. When their self-confidence turns out into over-confidence then they fail. sufficient risk management methods should be adopted which would take care of the effects if the decision takes a downturn. These risk policies should rule fiscal, productions, marketing, manufacturing, and catalogue and Hr risks linked with the merger.

Strategic Sharing


Hp and Compaq would now have common channels as far as their buying is concerned. So, the benefits in this concern is that even for those materials which were initially of high cost for Hp would now be available at a cheaper price. The end users are also likely to increase. Now, the company can re frame its competing strategy where the many concern can be given to all time rivals Ibm. The advantages of this merger in the field of marketing can be seen in the case of shared branding, sales and service. Even the distribution course is likely to be enhanced with Compaq playing its part. Now, the company can look send to cross selling, subsidization and also a reduced cost.

The foremost benefit in this area is that in the location of raw material. Even the processing style would be same production the products and services synchronized with the ideas and also in production a decent operational strategy. As the philosophical and mechanical control would also be in common, the operational strategy would now be to come to be the top most in the market. In this respect, the two associates would now have co-production, make and also location of staff. So, the operational strategy of Hp would now be to use the process based factory layout and function with the mentioned shared values.

The technical strategy of the company can also be designed in common now. There is a disadvantage from the perspective of the differentiation that Hp had in the field of inkjet printers but the advantages are also plentiful. With a common goods and process technology, the technological strategy of the merged company would promote extremely frugal functioning. This can be done straight through a common research and development and designing team.

The buying strategy of the company would also succeed a common mechanism. Here, the raw materials, machinery, and power would be common hence decreasing the cost once again. This can be done straight through a centralized mechanism with a lead purchaser retention common policies in mind. Now Hp would have to think with a similar attitude for both inkjet printers as well as personal computers. This is because the parameters for manufacturing would also run on equal grounds.

This is the most foremost part of the strategies that would be made after the merger. The associates would have common shareholders for providing the principal infrastructure. The capital source, management style, and legislation would also be in common. So, the infrastructure strategies would have to take these things into account. This can be done by having a common accounting system. Hp does have an selection to have a detach accounting law for the products that it manufactures but that would only arouse an internal competition. So, the infrastructural benefits can be made straight through a common accounting, legal and human reserved supply system. This would ensure that the investment relations of the company would improve. None of the Compaq investors would hesitate in production an investment if Hp follows a common strategy.

Hp would now have to ensure Other fact that with this merger they would be able to prove competitors to the present target and those of competitors like Ibm as well. Even the operations and the output shop needs to be above what exists at present. The company needs to ensure that the corporate strategy that it uses is productive sufficient to help such a future. The degree of diversification needs to be managed thoroughly as well. This is because; the products from the two associates have performed exceptionally well in the past. So, the most optimum degree of diversification is required under the context so that the company is able to meet the demands of the customers. This has been challenged by the owners of Hp but needs to be carried by the Ceo Fiorina. (Bhattacharya, 2010)

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Gout Diets

One of the most difficult parts of having to live with gout is learning what you can and can not eat. Gone are the days of eating steak, oysters, and sausages. No more creamed spinach or buttered cauliflower either. It naturally is not enough that you have to bear up under the pain of this condition, ou have to change what you eat as well! Here is a beginner's list of gout diet do's and don't's.

Gout food do's

Best Laser Printer

Feel free to eat as many fruits as you can, particularly cherries and cherry juice, as they have been observed to lower uric acid levels in the blood. Fruits, some vegetables, whole grains and complex carbohydrates make up 40 percent of gout diets. Thirty percent of the gout sufferer's diet should come from fat, with only a third of that advent from animal fat. The final 30 percent of the diet should come in the form of protein. Soy, fish, poultry, and other lean meats are most highly recommended. All in all, the person with gout should be puny to about 1,600 calories depending on body frame type, agreeing to leading dietitians.

The hard part: Gout diet don'ts

This could arguably be the most unpleasant part of having gout. Red meat is off the menu for you. A steak, a juicy burger, or bacon is just not good for you. Likewise for shellfish, so no more of those baked oysters or mussels. Sausages, which are regularly made of organ meat encased in intestine, are probably not a good idea. It is the same with kidney, liver, and other internal organs. Finally, beans, cauliflower, and spinach intake should all be reduced if not eliminated altogether.

Yes, it may sound like a lot but for habitancy who know the agony of waking up in the middle of the night with their joints swollen to the size of softballs, it should be no big deal.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Gout food

Perhaps the most infuriatingly difficult part about having to suffer gout is the seemingly endless list of food you are not allowed to eat. determined diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and of course, gout, require special diets that should be strictly followed. Gout is an acute form of arthritis that is caused by the crystallization of excess uric acid in the soft tissue of the joints. One can get uric acid from many distinct kinds of food. This report will guide gout sufferers on which foods are safe to eat and which ones that should be avoided.

Gout-friendly foods

Best Laser Printer

Fruits are very good for people with gout. Be sure to eat plentifulness of fruits, especially cherries. Drink its juice as well. Cherry juice has been reported to decrease the levels of uric acid in the blood, but there are still no legal findings of its therapeutic effect. Fruits high in vitamin C like orange, lemon, and grapefruit are highly recommended. Complicated carbohydrates should come from brown rice and whole wheat bread. Protein-rich foods like fish and lean meat like chicken breast are allowed. Soy products are a great source of protein, too. Water is the best beverage for gout sufferers. High water intake is critical to flush out any excess uric acid from the bloodstream. Drinking eight to twelve (or more) glasses of water is highly advisable.

Avoid these at all costs

Unfortunately, there are many foods that people with gout should avoid. Red meat, organ meat, and shellfish are off the menu so pass up on the steak, baked oysters, and sausages whose casing is truly intestine. Steer clear of spinach, cauliflower, legumes, and beans because they are all notorious for causing a rise in uric acid levels. Alcohol intake should be regulated, or if possible, eliminated completely. Intake of simple sugars, oil, and salt should also be controlled. Removing all these foods from one's diet may be difficult, but if it means being able to walk usually and free from gout pain, then it may be worth it.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Features of a Good Printer

These days a computer principles without a printer does not make good sense. It supports your work straight through the yield of hard copy and it is an prominent yield peripheral that is now a staple of all computer systems.

If you have not bought a printer but want to do so at the earliest, then its best to pick a good capability printer. So, what are the qualities or features of a good printer? We have tried to list and explain some of the prominent features of a good printer.

Best Laser Printer


The printer must be compatible with your computer system. Before you buy a printer look up its compatibility requirements and only if your computer principles satisfies all the requirements, go for it. A good printer is compatible with all systems and this is its most prominent feature.

It must be User Friendly

One of the basic features that every printer must have is that it must be user friendly, meaning that its functionality must not be too difficult to understand. It gets very irritating and frustrating to spend time, comprehension the assorted aspects of printer.


Look for a printer model, which is known in the market as being reliable. Quite a lot of printers have a tendency to breakdown often, and annoy population with problems like jamming of papers, etc. These breakdowns are not only a waste of time, but take a lot of out of your pocket, when it comes to their maintenance.

Time Saving

When you are working on an prominent project, or for that matter, any project, time is at a premium. Hence a printer speed must be taken into notice while finding at the features of a good printer. The higher the Pages per minuscule (Ppm) the higher is the speed of the printer. If you want a fast printer then the minimum Ppm of the printer should be colse to 50.

Minimal Ink Usage

This is one of the intrinsic features of the newest printers. The most minimum estimate of ink is used to print papers. Moreover, the software that you install on the computer principles for the printer, offers you a clear indication as to the estimate of ink left in the printer. This would enable you to plan your printing accordingly.

Clarity and Quality

You need a printer that produces printouts that can be read truly and which are also the hallmark of quality. You wouldn't like to read something that is bordering on the illegible, would you? Therefore, this is also one of the innate features that you must look for in a printer. A good printer has more than 300 Dpi counts, which are Dots per Inch. The more Dpi's the better! Moreover, the printer must be such that the ink does not smudge on the paper because if this occurs, the printout will look truly bad.

At the end of the day, there are quite a few features that must be looked into, if you want to buy a good printer. The most prominent thing to remember is that the features of the printer must cater to all your needs and requirements.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

looking a Lexmark Printer For Your company

Choosing a Lexmark printer for your business is a matter of assessing what your current business needs are, what your projected needs are, and then balancing the cost of acquisition with the cost of consumables over the life expectancy of the printer.

First things first, consider how much printing you're doing now. In general, the higher the total amount of prints you do in a month, the great the trade off will be in the middle of paying for a higher end printer (with lower consumable costs) rather than saving money on acquisition. Desktop printers generally cost less to obtain and more per printed page than standalone high end printers.

Best Laser Printer

Inkjet printers cost more per page, even for Lexmark models, than laser printers. Unless you need some of the things an inkjet can do, they're not favorable for normal printing, no matter how they're marketed for that aim. Inkjets are good for photographic printing, and artwork printing - and many come in large formats, favorable for printing artwork. They genuinely can't deal with the same bulk volumes as the faster and more effective laser alternatives from Lexmark.

If you're printing for a small office workgroup, a network capable laser printer may well suffice; these are medium duty cycle printers that normally have paper capacities in the realm of 200 sheets or less. They're good for printing off a presentation or two for a meeting, or printing out code for markup or drafts of documents.

Larger, networked Lexmark laser printers that are high capacity are good investments for larger offices that do a lot of printing - things like charitable organisations, architectural firms and barrister's offices make good candidates for this sort of printer; these often have 2,000 to 3,000 sheet drawers, multiple drawers for swapping capacity without stopping a print job, and normally cover as office copiers and network 'fax machines' as well.

It may, or may not, be worth the issue to look into a color laser printer; color laser printers typically have toner costs about eight to ten times that of a approved black and white printer, and getting them to print solely in black and white can require a good deal of insight surrounded by the workforce to avoid extra expense. (Horror stories of the intern who spent half a quarter's print allocation on one description with a color descriptive on page 7 abound...) However, color printing in house is rapidly becoming a differentiating feature for business office printers, and many of them are now capable of full gamut colors with corrections - making them favorable for generating advertising mockups before sending them face the firm.

Other factors you should consider involve the space needed for the printer. Desktop printers can be tucked into odd corners - just look at any college dormitory - but high end printers need to be free standing; the back plane of the printer is used for air flow to keep the innards cool. You will also need adequate space to open the printer up for maintenance. Far too many printing plants with large free standing printers don't give adequate room to articulate the printer. Whenever you must replace a toner cartridge, it's leading to run straight through all the steps needed to clear the drum and bits of toner.

Lexmark yield a wide range of printers matching all budgets and specifications. So anything the size of your business, however many population it has to serve, you should be able to find a Lexmark printer, be it laser or inkjet, to meet your needs.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Brother Hl-5340 Toner Based Printer - Designed For High capability Printing on a Daily Basis


The Brother Hl-5340 is a monochromatic laser printer built for high-quality daily use. It offers a estimate of features to boost the capability of thorough black text and gray scale graphics, but is still vigor and cost efficient. With the capability to deal with a collection of paper sizes and thicknesses while still printing fast and efficiently, the Brother Hl-5340 is the exquisite model for active home use or for smaller office groups.

Best Laser Printer

Features and Functionality

Most printers will print envelopes and other media, but not all of them have the straight through paper path of the Brother Hl-5340. By allowing envelopes, thicker materials, and different sized paper to pass straight through the printer after they are produced, this engine not only increases printing versatility, but also minimizes the risk of jamming the printer with custom documents.

No matter what style of document is being produced, the Hl-5340 prints it quickly. With a speed of up to 32 pages per minute, this printer produces documents at a resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi. This high resolution means that images will be clear and text will be crisp and pro on all of your documents. With a maximum monthly duty cycle of 30,000 pages, this printer is built to be a firm workhorse.

With an adjustable 250-sheet paper input tray that can be modified to fit letter or legal sized paper, the Brother Hl-5340 printer will be able to furnish images on a collection of papers. There is also a 50-sheet multipurpose input tray that will hold additional sizes or types of paper. With Pcl6 and Br-Script3 emulations included, you can also modify and furnish images on documents with greater ease and flexibility.

Brother Hl-5340 cartridges are an additional one great feature of this printer. They come in two sizes, gift up to 3,000 or 8,000 pages worth of printed documents, depending on the size of the cartridge and intensity of the print job. Using the Tn650 toner cartridge will get owners the best "bang for their buck". The Tn620 toner cartridge can also be used with this printer model. The Hl-5340 also features a Toner Save Mode option, which can conserve toner on draft documents in order to increase the life of the Brother Hl-5340 cartridge. This printer model also uses the Dr620 drum cartridge as well.

Why select the Brother Hl-5340 Printer?

With greater flexibility in the type of media on which it can print, the Brother Hl-5340 printer offers versatility along with sufficient printing. Thanks to its high resolution and the capability to deal with all of the print jobs a smaller user group needs, this printer makes is a great selection for a small office that wants to keep moderate pricing in mind.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Office Printers Buying Guide

Are you planning to buy a printer? Well, the choice of a right is not easy as there are many types of printers available with separate specifications depending on separate printing needs. This description will discuss varied technical aspects and other factors to reconsider while buying a printer.

Evaluate your printing needs: Every club has separate needs for printing. Before buying a printer, you should analyze your needs and retort some questions - Do you need a printer just to print text, graphics printing or both? Need to print documents in large or small volumes? What is the priority - the capability or quantity? Do you need a printer that is shared by a working group or do you need for home users? Need a color printer or black and white printer? What is your budget? Once you are well versed with their needs, next door, you must upgrade the technical aspects of a printer.

Best Laser Printer

Printer types: The shop is packed with varied types of bar code printers, such as printers, scanners and Med-matrix printers, label printers, laser printers and ink jet printers. The latter firm is the multifunction printer. For printing text documents, inkjet printers and dot matrix printers are an suitable option. For printing graphics and images, color laser printers make the best choice. Printing large number of documents that directly influence the speed and cost of printing. Again, if you need to print large volumes, but the capability is not a question - for example, retail market that need money to print the notes, etc. - dot matrix printers are the best option. However, if you're finding for then the capability of laser printers are adequate. Multifunction printers or All-In-One printer can print, scan and fax too. They are very cheap and convenient for any office

Resolution: The capability and clarity of printing depends on the resolution of the printer. Top of the dpi (dots per inch) for the best printing quality. A monochrome laser printer, which ordinarily has a resolution of 600 by 600 dpi to 1200 by 1200 dpi while a color printer has a low range of resolution 1200 by 600 dpi to 2400 by 1200 dpi. High-end laser printers to give you the best resolution is that in the middle of 2400 by 1200 dpi to 2400 by 2400 dpi. If your work requires pro ultra bright, clear printing of text and graphics, you should opt for a high resolution printer.

Speed: The speed of a printer is measured by the number of printed pages per puny (ppm). Inkjet and laser printers have three levels of quality, that is, the project settings, normal and best. Print speed is on the decrease with the increase in the level of quality. A reasonably priced ink-jet printer has a speed of approximately 28 ppm for black text and about 20 ppm for color graphics. A typical color laser printer in the other party has a speed of in the middle of 6-20 ppm for black text and 12 ppm for color graphics.

Paper Handling: In normal all printers have the capability to print on suitable paper, with letter and legal sizes. Most printers have personal input and yield paper trays for paper handling facility. Paper-handling capabilities of inkjet printers is lower than laser printers. Buy of inkjet printers by reloading the paper tray with more frequency than in a laser printer. High-end printers have a great paper handling and have an available choice for both sides printing and printing on tabloid-sized papers too. If your need for printing is above average, to buy printers that have high capacity for handling paper and verify that the printer should print without bending or folding the sheet.

Report: High-capacity memory helps to increase the speed of the printer and it is very useful to the needs of printing graphics. If you are planning to change your printer with a printer of high memory, divulge your current printer for memory expansion. Some printers have the choice to upgrade the memory. It is advisable to buy everything in one printer with large memory capacity and greater functionality.

Connectivity and compatibility: Buy a printer that is compatible with your system. Also check that the printer has software that matches your network if you plan to setup a printer from working. Buy printers that have a Usb port so that they can be unquestionably connected. Usb 2.0 connectivity provides faster than Usb 1.1 port. To fulfill their needs for network printing, it is considerable to have an Ethernet port.

Compare prices: divulge and correlate prices before buying a printer. Surmise the gross expenditure, which includes cost of the printer, the cost of packing and shipping cost. Often dealers add secret fees to the cost of the printer after you place the order. correlate the cost with other vendors before making the final agreement. To meet their printing needs in its budget, buy multifunction printer that meet their need for a scanner, fax and printer.

Buy online: for the protection of the printer shopping online, be sure to ask everything about mode of cost services, technical support, warranties, guarantees, shipping policy, secret and the procedure of return procedure . Buy only reliable printers distributors to make sure you are buying genuine high-quality printers and not the double ones.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Best Cost Per Page Hp Color Laser Printers

The cost per page is probably one of the most needful indicators of a printer's quality. In the color laser printer segment, Hp color laser printers seem to enjoy a monopoly of sorts when it comes to their range of low cost per page printers. Here is a rundown of the best low cost laser color printers from Hp.

Hp Color LaserJet 3600

Best Laser Printer

The print speed of this Hp printer is good at 17 ppm. However, what makes these color laser printers stand out is in their cost per page. Compared to most approved one-pass printers in the laser printer segment, this one is the lowest in cost per page. It works out to only a cent in cost in the black color prints. However, in the color segment, the cpp is around 9 cents. In the realm of office-oriented printers in the inkjet niche, this cpp is quite competitive. The price of this printer ranges in the middle of 465 to 562 Usd.

Hp Color LaserJet Cm1312nfi Mfp

At an impressive price of just 499 Usd and a smart efficiency, these Hp color laser printers are a cost productive choice for small businesses and offices operating on a budget. With an Ethernet and Usb relationship premise and a cost per page of just 3.2 cents for monochrome prints, it provides good value for money. The cost per page for color prints with this printer is around 16.9 cents, which may seem a exiguous costly but it is still very competitive.

Hp Color LaserJet Cp2025dn

These color laser printers from Hp are fast in print speeds and affordable at the same time. You can enjoy printing double-sided files and relationship over both 10/100 Ethernet as well as Usb connection. The print production is perfect inspite of having fast print speeds of 17 seconds per page. The cost per page for black prints is around 2.5 cents and of color prints is around 4.3 cents, which is very competitive and inexpensive in pricing. The price of this printer is around 499 Usd.

Hp LaserJet 2600n

The price of the Hp LaserJet 2600n color laser printers ranges from 295 to 529 Usd. Compared to other Hp color laser printers this one has the highest Cpp at 5 cents for black prints and 22 cents when printing in color. This is because the cost of its printer ink cartridges is very high and hence replacement of the printer is a more viable choice than changing printer ink cartridges once they are empty. The presence of technology called Instant-On Fusing as well as a network port help make this printer useful for small businesses working in groups.

Hp Color LaserJet 1500L

The price of these color laser printers is around 149 to 199 Usd. Most inkjet printers cost in the middle of 25 and 50 cents when there is a mix of graphics and text. However, in this color laser printer, there is a yield of 5000 pages for black printing and 4000 pages for color prints. Black printing price is around 83 Usd and color variants around 100 Usd. Thus, the cost per page of this printer works to about 1.6 cents for black prints and 2.5 cents for color pages.

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