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Proposal Writing - How to Win the Assignment

What a proposal is and what a proposal does
There are two fundamental considerations for every proposal: what goes into it and how it's presented.

Every project proposal contains at least some of these elements, though not necessarily in this order: cover letter, title page, table of contents, credentials and qualifications, statement of the qoute and rationale for undertaking the job, goal(s) and supporting objectives, plan of operation, work or stock measurement and evaluation, summary, cost, and appendices. How you organize, write, and deliver your proposal is necessary to its success.

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A proposal is nothing more than a tool that you use to get an assignment. It should not be a blueprint for doing the job. After all, you actually don't want to give away everything you know in your proposal so that your possible client or supervisor can naturally pick it up and hand it over to someone else to implement. There is often a fine line between telling what you plan to do and telling how you plan to do it. The most efficient proposals march boldly up to that line...and stop.

Summarize up front
Begin your proposal with an executive summary, preferably one that's no more than one page in length. Obviously, it's much easier to write the summary after the proposal is complete; doing so at the outset ordinarily means extra work making revisions later on. In all likelihood your direction will turn somewhat as you establish the document's assorted parts.

The summary is not a substitute for the proposal itself. Rather, it is a quick and concise reference to what the proposal contains. Sometimes called an abstract, outline, or précis, the summary is a condensed statement of what the full proposal contains. While a personal presentation, it is useful both as an introduction and a wrap-up. Later on if it becomes necessary to return to the proposal for clarification of clear points, the summary serves as a suitable memory jogger. For these reasons you might think using bulleted points when formatting your summary.

A word about organizing
Before actually starting to write any part of your proposal, think about what you want to put into it-and what you prefer to leave out. A logical, sequential building becomes an figure that enables you to move through your oral presentation smoothly and thoroughly, developing both your narrative and your qualifications for the job as you go.

As you establish your thoughts, make notes of what you need to include and then sort them into the order in which you intend to address each one While the presentation meeting with your client or supervisor. It's best to sort like with like. That is, don't mix firm and departmental backgrounds or personal biographies, credentials, and references with your plan of action. Place such keep and historical material-evidence of your capabilities-after the plan that you are suggesting.

Cover letter
Because it tells your understanding of the project and states that you are the right person, department, or firm to do the job, the cover letter is the most prominent element of the proposal; it is also the very last item to prepare before you make your presentation. Keep it short, no more than one page. State the qoute in a sentence or two and tell what you intend to do about it. Don't forget to express your appreciation for the occasion to submit your proposal.

Do not bind your letter into the proposal itself. It's all right to clip it to the cover or insert it into an inside pocket of a folder, but it should be loose so that as you begin your presentation, the recipient can hold it in his or her hand.

Print the letter on letterhead, preferably a heavy sheet that has a good feel. Address it to your customary contact, the someone with whom you will work and to whom you will report. All the time sign the letter. You may use your first or full name; it depends upon how personally close you are to the addressee. Don't be presumptuous in making that decision, however; it's safer to err on the side of formality than to reason a familiarity that isn't actually there.

The qoute and the plan
The customary section of the proposal describes the qoute or project as you see it. That bears repeating: State your understanding of the need and circumstances that prompted your submitting the proposal. By comparison the rationale for action. That is, tell your audience what their qoute is and why they need your expertise and assistance. Don't assume they know. Define the scope of the undertaking and the solutions and goals you intend to achieve, describing each in terms of assorted objectives.

Take care to avoid inadvertently implying commitments for actions other than those specifically stated within your plan. Don't, for example, allow an inference to be drawn that you will contribute clear materials, personnel, documentation, training, or ongoing keep if you do not intend to do so. Likewise, be cautious While your presentation about committing to oral agreements that are not contained in the written proposal. It is perfectly acceptable-even advisable-to figure both your obligations and those of the individual or firm to whom you are submitting your proposal. Best to discuss and agree upon such items at the time of the proposal presentation than to face misunderstandings down the road.

Because the plan quantum represents the meat of your proposal, it should summarize your strategy clearly and include time lines, opportunities for feedback, and provisions both for periodic evaluations and measurement of the end result. Two-way communications are extremely prominent to the success of most projects and, for that reason, should be built into each course and objective. Disposition reports and approvals, explicitly provided for within your proposal, will help keep communications open and allay possible concerns While the course of the project. If your project must conform to regulatory standards, tell exactly how tests and verifications will occur. And if time or other constraints are prescribed by face parties, characterize the process you will use to satisfy those requirements.

As you lay out your plan, try to keep in mind a combine of questions that your audience may not ask but will actually be thinking: "What can we expect as a minimum outcome of your work?" and "What steps will you follow, and how will we know you (and we) are on target?"

The first relates to the project's allinclusive goal. If you are clear in your written and oral presentations, your audience will know actually what accomplishments they can expect to see upon completion of the project. The second ask is a miniature more difficult to riposte because you may wish to state incremental and final results without fully revealing your methodology and procedures. Your client or supervisor needs to know what to expect of course. But describing each and every step of your operation may be overkill and, in some cases, could actually jeopardize your winning the compact or assignment.

The rest of the story
Graphs, charts, line drawings, time lines, and other illustrations help carry data fast and logically. include them in your proposal in ways you think they would best By comparison and complement the text, being specific not to isolate them physically from the material to which they relate. That is, don't place illustrative items in the appendix because that encourages flipping pages back and forth as you are trying to gift your case.

If the proposal is more than 10 pages long, include a page-specific table of contents as a guide for the reader.

After describing the qoute and plan that are the bases for your proposal, succeed those portions with references; biographies of the principals who will be complicated in the task; a client and project list; credentials, licenses, and certifications; perhaps a glossary of terms; a list of illustrations; and any other supporting information.

What's all this going to cost?
More often than not, when you hand a group of habitancy a printed proposal to succeed as you make your presentation, someone is bound to turn immediately to the last page to check your cost estimate. Don't put it there.

Because cost is only one element of any proposal-along with time, quality of work and materials, and benefits to be derived from the project-present it as such and put it into your plan where it most logically fits. If you pick to indicate individual item costs throughout the proposal, don't forget to include a recap page with faultless tallies.

Express costs in terms of value rather than naturally stating them as prices. That is, mention that a singular component or assistance may seem expensive, but you have included it because it is the most cost efficient course to take and will save money in the long run. By raising the issue yourself, you indicate your expertise and professionalism while deflating possible resistance.

Similarly, if you encounter strong objections to the total cost, ask which parts of the proposal your audience thinks may be beyond its budget. Be prepared for some on-the-spot negotiations that will enable you to eliminate or make substitutions for items that are not deemed necessary by your client or supervisor. Going into a proposal presentation without knowledge of alternatives is extremely disadvantageous for you and makes you appear unprepared.

Watch your language
Nothing kills proposals faster than poor or careless writing. No matter how impressive your technical knowledge, familiarity with the field, or track record, a sloppily prepared proposal can doom your chances for success. Thoughtless and incomplete making ready or an untidy printed proposal reflects negatively on your quality to do the job, suggesting that you may be equally neglectful in your work.

Try to avoid using jargon, acronyms, and insider terms. Instead of making you sound more interesting and knowledgeable, they can obstruct the communications process and furnish a contrary effect. For example, although you feel sure your audience knows what you're talking about, there is All the time the occasion that one member of the group reviewing your proposal may misunderstand an expression. Or perhaps he or she may naturally never have heard a singular term and is reluctant to ask for clarification. Unbeknownst to you, that someone may be someone who finally has a strong affect over either your proposal is appropriate or rejected.

Write conversationally. Brief but faultless should be your goal. Even if your field is extremely technical, imagine that the someone to whom you are writing is sitting over the table from you as you write and you are speaking directly to him or her. We're all a miniature more careful-more formal-when we write than when we speak, but it serves no good purpose to use flowery language and unnecessarily obscure or pretentious terminology. If there is any doubt whatsoever in your mind that a word or phrase might be misunderstood or foreign to your audience, define it. Those persons who are already well-known with the term will not be offended. Write in faultless sentences as much as possible, even when listing numbered or bulleted points.

Be aware that there may be a inexpressive audience whom you never see or even know about who reads your proposal after you have made your presentation; the Cfo or comptroller who finally approves all invoices might be an example. Will that person(s) understand every point it contains without hearing you explain, "What that actually means is this..."? Also remember that portions of the text may be read aloud. If a member of your audience asks, "What is our duty here where it says...," he or she should be able to read the passage smoothly without stumbling over a series of stilted phrases or hard-to-pronounce words or sounds.

Keep your writing expert in tone without being stuffy. Although your reading audience may consist entirely of close associates, that doesn't mean your proposal can be dashed off like a personal note, full of slang and familiarities. Remember as well that English may not be the first language of everybody who listens to your presentation or reads your proposal. If the condition is prominent sufficient to call for a formal proposal, it requires a expert level of attention.

Some proposal writers know their field forward, backward, and sideways but are unable to express themselves well in print. If that's your situation, ask for help in writing your proposal. It's All the time Best to collaborate with a competent writer than to risk losing the assignment.

Every word processing law includes a spell checker; it's there to be used. But don't depend upon it exclusively; proofread your work before submitting it. The best way to do that is to allow the proposal to sit for a day or two and then to read it aloud. You might also want to ask an join together to go over it before you make your presentation.

Unplating the boiler
Many proposal writers pick up previously written appropriate wording-often called boilerplate-for portions of their proposals. There's actually nothing wrong with such a practice. It saves time and eliminates errors...or does it?

Unless every proposal that goes out of your office is carefully read before it leaves, there is the danger that gremlins will find their way into your document. Boilerplate that contains spaces for dissimilar insertions to be filled in as each new proposal is written is particularly urgency prone. Failure to turn just one Abc Widget firm before submitting a proposal to the Xyz Widget firm can destroy your entire presentation. Not only is it an embarrassing mark of carelessness, but it also may characterize far more about your firm than you care to have known.

Boilerplate has a miniature shelf life. It grows stale and out of date before you perceive it. actually no less often than every six months you should characterize each one of the sections that you routinely include with your proposals. Don't rely upon an assistant to do this job for you because he or she may not have sufficiently current knowledge. Also, it's you who are going to make the presentation to your client or supervisor, and, therefore, it's you who will need to By comparison erroneous, incomplete, or perhaps even confidential data that somehow crept into your proposal.

Requests for proposals (Rfp)
Although your firm or branch over the years may have developed a format for making ready of bids and proposals, it is sometimes necessary that you adapt your design. Requests for proposals (Rfp) issued by large corporations or governmental agencies often need that each proposal conform to their very definite formats.

It is to your clear advantage to succeed all the instructions that are available, especially if you must submit your proposal by mail and will not have the occasion to make a personal presentation. appropriate form Rfps enable reviewers to correlate apples to apples and oranges to oranges. If a reader must hunt through your document in order to find a necessary point, he or she may instead prefer to toss the document aside. After all, the reviewer may think, if this someone can't even succeed our directions, how can we expect a satisfactory outcome from the project?

When responding to an Rfp, read the guidelines carefully and feature each qualifying instruction. Make a list of the requirements and check off each one as you faultless it. Don't include more data than is requested unless it is actually vital to your submission and you have included a full explanation in your cover letter. Likewise, if you are unable to faultless all sections of the Rfp, include a full explanation of why clear parts are missing. Submit your proposal in its faultless and closed form; piecemeal submissions originate bad impressions.

Show and tell
Resist, even to the point of seeming obstreperous, all requests to "just mail it to us." whatever short of a face-to-face meeting will inevitably detract from your proposal. After all, your proposal is meant to sell more than your services; it also sells you.

When the day arrives for your presentation, make sure that all the decision makers will be in attendance. Call ahead the day before and ask either whatever will not be present. If you know their names, read the list to your customary contact. Because missing persons might later receive the actual attendees' interpretation of the meeting in place of your carefully planned presentation, it is best to have everybody in the same room at the same time. If that doesn't seem to be feasible, ask to reschedule the presentation date until all concerned can attend. Ten o'clock in the morning is usually the most opportune time for an hour-and-a-half to two-hour meeting; Friday afternoon is the least favorable.

Because we live in an imperfect world, there will actually be times when you won't reach every decision maker simultaneously. You may have to re-present your proposal to those persons who were unable to be gift the first time around, or you may have to rely upon secondhand presentations from those to whom you spoke originally.

In the first case, try to vary your presentation style somewhat from the first meeting. Some of the previous group may be present, and if you run through your proposal the same way you did the first time, you may sound canned and flat. A fresh approach is much more likely to hold the interest of everybody in the room.

If your presentation is going to be relayed to other persons by a member of the first audience, make clear that someone completely understands every word you say. Ask if he or she would like any further data to help with the later retelling of your plan.

Where do I start?
After first pleasantries are out of the way, start your presentation with your cover letter. It's your personal introduction to your audience, evidence that you understand the need for the project you are describing, and your statement that you are the right someone or firm to do the job. Call concentration to the letter, physically take it from the proposal-remember, it should not be bound into the proposal itself-and hold it in both hands in front of you. That's the cue for everybody else in the room to do likewise. They'll do it if you do it.

Without reading the letter aloud, request your audience to succeed the text as you paraphrase and recap what the letter says. Ask for comments and either riposte briefly to them or say that you will discuss their questions later as you reach those points in your presentation. fast jot down a note so that you don't forget to do so.

After determining that you have the concentration of everybody gift and there are no obstructions to proceeding, lead the group into the summary of your plan. Again, recap the points you intend to cover and ask for questions, responding in the same way as above.

Keeping the group together is sometimes difficult but All the time necessary. Just one someone who insists upon leafing through the pages and making off-the-point comments and observations can fast disrupt the flow of your presentation. You might ask him or her to make notes of items for clarification so that you can address each one at the end of your presentation.

As you move through your presentation, speak conversationally to those nearby you. Remember that you are not lecturing to a university class or speaking to a Rotary Club. Your presentation is a firm process-even though you may be demonstrating your technical know-how-and you are endeavoring to win a compact or an assignment. It won't be possible for you to accomplish as an expert-the someone or firm right for this job-unless you receive the go-ahead from your audience. Much more depends at this point upon your quality to express how you intend to apply your expertise than what that expertise actually is.

Lead, don't read. Do not read to your listeners what they have before them on the printed page and are perfectly capable of reading themselves. Instead, rephrase, paraphrase, and By comparison as you characterize the text in terms of concepts, procedures, and strategy. Before starting your presentation, mark up a copy of your proposal with comments and amplifications of prominent points. Be cautious, however, about expanding on a topic in such a way that you commit yourself to actions face the scope of your proposal.

If you pick to use a flip chart, PowerPoint, overhead or slide projector, Vcr, computer screen, or some other demonstration aid, custom ahead of time so that your presentation proceeds smoothly. And, of course, check your tool before the meeting to see that it is functioning properly. In the event you run into problem with your display tools, don't take more than a miniature or so trying to make corrections or you'll lose your audience. Instead, be prepared to tiptoe without audio/visual assistance.

Obstructions and distractions
It's not unusual for differing opinions and disagreements-sometimes even confrontations-to face While proposal presentations. Known or unknown to you may be someone in your audience who previously presented or sponsored a similar proposal that was rejected. There may be congenital naysayers who distrust innovation or turn of any kind. There may be one or two persons who adopt a show-me! attitude and refuse to believe that an idea worth listening to could ever come from (pick one) an insider, outsider, field representative, corporate staff person, woman, man, engineer, marketing specialist, or...fill in the blank.

All is not lost, however. Obstructionists can be very useful While your presentation because they raise issues and objections that you can effectively riposte to and neutralize-especially when you're prepared to do so. Without overplaying or pandering to a troublesome member of your audience, accept comment appreciatively and graciously and build upon it, emphasizing the clear points you are presenting.

Watch your audience as you speak. Is there someone who frequently seems on the verge of posing a ask but then withdraws? Does one someone repeatedly challenge your statements? Is there whatever who seems detached and uninterested while another vigorously nods each time you introduce a new detail? Are you boring them or interesting them? Adjust your pace and speaking style accordingly and direct some of your comments to definite individuals, referring to them by name. Later quote their responses back to the group as part of your presentation.

The point of packaging
Contrary to what we might like to believe, habitancy do buy books by their covers. Neatness and eye request for retrial count. A proposal that is hard to handle or is not expert in appearance detracts from the presenter, his or her firm or department, and the allinclusive plan. A few extra hours spent on making the written proposal look good can mean the contrast between acceptance and rejection.

Keep it simple. Use good quality paper stock-something with a high rag article has the best feel-and avoid colored papers. Rather than highlight, they tend to distract. Stick to 8½" x 11" size and fold flow charts, schematics, organizational charts, graphs, and other illustrations within the proposal itself. Larger sheets are difficult to file and fast come to be dog-eared, a tattered appearance that will make your entire proposal look bad. If you are using large plans and drawings, list them as coded illustrations within the text of your proposal and submit them as isolate exhibits.

Laser print your document using an easy-to-read typeface. Serif type is much more readable than sans serif. Ten-point is probably a large sufficient type size unless you know that one or more reviewers has mystery reading small print-then go up to 11- or 12-point. Don't By comparison (align) the right-hand margin of your text. True, it looks neater, but it is much harder to read, especially if your printer leaves gaping spaces between words.

Stay away from artsy typefaces and fonts and complicated page layouts. More often than not they only confuse the reader. Many proposal writers nowadays use formatting or desktop publishing programs for page design. Unless you are well-known with page makeup techniques, though, it's best to leave that kind of establish to the professionals. And practice some restraint in using charts and graphs to By comparison every individual item you describe. Sometimes a clearly written explanation works Best than a descriptive that you had to strain to create.

Break up gray pages of solid type with bullets and lists that draw the reader's eye to prominent points. Keep margins fairly wide (1½" is sufficient) to enable your audience to make notes. Amount the pages so that you can actually direct your listeners to singular information.

Your proposal is a firm document. Don't stick it into a drugstore folder that makes it look like a term paper. Stapling a half dozen or fewer pages together is all right; if the whole document runs longer than that, place it in an appropriately sized three-ring notebook or add stiff front and back covers and bind it. Three-ring, spiral, and plastic comb bindings are uncostly and allow the book to lie flat when opened.

"One for you, and one for you..."
When you step into the meeting at which you are scheduled to make your presentation to a five-person group and find seven habitancy waiting for you, don't panic because you only brought along five copies of your proposal. Instead, anticipate the qoute and take extra copies.

"You don't mind that I've asked Chris and Martie to sit in with us, do you?" shouldn't rattle you if you're prepared. Of course you mind. But there isn't much you can do about it. Run off a few further copies of your proposal and take them with you. Asking two or more persons to share a copy is counterproductive.

The purpose of the proposal
Your proposal is a sales tool and should be used as such. It is a declaration of what you plan to do for your client or your supervisor as well as confirmation that you are the right person, department, or firm to undertake the project. It should be well understanding out, clearly written, adequately illustrated, and professionally presented. whatever less diminishes your chances of obtaining the job. No matter how competent you are and capable of doing the work, the straightforward truth is that you may not get the occasion to demonstrate your skills if you prepare and gift a proposal that fails to speak well of you.

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